I'm not the biggest metalcore fan to begin with, but this is exceptionally awful. The trance sections are weak and horribly dated, the metalcore sections are basically what would happen if you showed some metalcore songs to an AI and asked it to make one of its own, the clean vocals are coated in autotune yet still somehow manage to be off-key, the screams sound constipated, and the lyrics are stupid and contradictory. One minute they're talking about how they love God, the next minute they're talking about how God is fake. One minute they're being all positive, and the next they're telling people to burn in Hell. One minute they're talking about doing God's work, the next they're talking about how all they want to do is party. Also, the song titles are cringeworthy. If it wasn't for some barely tolerable metal sections, and some actually good guest vocals from the lead singer of Protest the Hero on the song Family Goretrait, this would get an even worse score.
Best Day of My Life has a great message about finding happiness, Two and Anxiety are heartbreaking, and most of the other songs are pretty great, too. While I'm sure some would call Iconic egotistical, I personally think it's true. I mean, people are still talking about Simple Plan all these years later, and they still have a pretty large fanbase despite negative reviews from critics. So, they're not wrong.
This album has a few good songs on it. Opinion Overload, Farewell, and Nostalgic are my three favorites. They're good pop punk songs, and I actually appreciated the Descendents reference. Anyway, this album has some atrocious experiments, even though I Don't Wanna Be Sad is kind of a guilty pleasure.
This EP, with the exception of Lucky One, is great. It's full of rebellious teenage anthems and sweet love songs, as any fun pop punk project should. The instrumentation follows in the footsteps of the original Get Your Heart On!. By that I mean that the instrumentation is distinctly pop punk but more competent than their first two albums. Only here there isn't as much filler because it's an EP.
I will say this album is a pretty good pop punk album. Sure, it's a bit less serious than the self-titled, but it's still more mature than their first two. Also, unlike their self-titled, this album has a couple of bad songs. Namely Freaking Me Out and Can't Keep My Hands Off You, both of which are okay musically, but slightly creepy lyrically. They drag this album down a bit, but I still mostly enjoyed this. It's a fun pop punk record that actually tries some new things, such as the Beach Boys-esque Summer Paradise.