Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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Very slow. After 40 minutes I thought that nothing had happened and nothing much more happened for the remaining time. In saying that, it didn't feel really long, it just wasn't every entertaining. I mean, there is a 3-4 minute scene of the two characters just walking with the camera panned on their faces and not one bit of dialogue. Forgettable.
This is basically a rehash of T2 with some added cringe. I don't think it's as bad as some people make out. The action still hits and keeps me entertained. I upped this half a star on a rewatch.
I like Lloyd's flow in bursts, but for a whole album it gets too same-same. He doesn't change it up enough and therefore this feels like a long album. When I first pressed play on this I was bumping but it falls away and there isn't anything A-tier.
[SPOILER] Tries to be too emotive for too long that it doesn't quite work. The ending nails it though when he is screaming at his opponent in the ring. What was the trailer thinking giving away the death of his wife??? I generally try to stay away from trailers and the one for this is why. 3-3.5.
There are some mission modes, but this is basically an easier Crazy Taxi with Simpson characters. So much so, that Sega sued the creators. Easy to pick up and play but I couldn't imagine having long sittings of this.
Reason for report