Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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The opener is average, partly due to the singing which is likewise, as is 'Absentee'. 'Call to Arms' is a bit better with a better melody, but again is nothing great. 'Set Fire' is the first thing I love. There is no singing and the instrumental is great. 'Slow Years' and the penultimate 'Threads of Gold' fit that mold as well. Overall, the production isn't BSBD's best, but it's mainly the singing that lets it down from my end. The instrumental version would probably be a better listen. Best Tracks: Set Fire, Slow Years, Threads of Gold, Scandal
There are some few really bad tracks here ('The Nookie', 'Freak of the Week'), and the lyrics are poor at times, but as you'd hope being an album predominantly produced by DJ Polo, there are enough enjoyable beats here, of which many feature recognisable samples to be an alright listen. On the whole, the beats are positive, with some light funk, and while inconsistent, this isn't a terrible producer album. Best Tracks: Money, Cars & The Bitches, Have a Good Time, Home Again, Yo Playa
As with a lot of '80s rap, the production doesn't grab me for the most part. Much is too minimalistic as expected, and some of the post five minute songs would've been better suited to being a bit shorter. The best thing featured here though is the extremely sample-heavy instrumental 'Touch of Jazz' which is Jazzy Jeff at his best. Best Tracks: Girl's Ain't Nothing but Trouble, Touch of Jazz, Don't Even Try It
I mentioned in the review of 'And in This Corner...', that on 'Then She Bit Me', Will seemed to be going for an Ice-T kind of vibe, and he continues to do that on a few tracks here where his voice becomes deeper with a similar flow to one of the fathers of gangster rap. As far as the song quality goes, 'Summertime' is the obvious classic song here, and is probably the duo's best-known tune. 'You Saw My Blinker' is also an interesting track, that puts Will rapping about a road incident. Listening to it one can't help but think he experienced such an incident in real life. Everything else fails to hit any great levels, and it's more poppy than their previous albums, but there isn't much, if any, that I dislike. Fans will enjoy. Best Tracks: Summertime, Caught in the Middle, Trapped on the Dance Floor, You Saw My Blinker, Summertime (Reprise)
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this, but on 'Then She Bit Me', Will gives off a huge Ice-T vibe to me. It's unlike how he has ever rapped previously. In terms of consistency, overall the production is another step up from their previous albums, however, this album perhaps lacks the classics other DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince albums contain. Best Tracks: Then She Bit Me, Jazzy's Groove, Everthing That Glitters (Ain't Always Gold), You Got It (Donut), Numero Uno
Reason for report