Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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A return to some form after Driver 3, and while it is a sort of a GTA clone, the gameplay works, it has easy combat controls, good graphics and being able to go from the 1970s to 2006 was inventive - even if the graphical change didn't seem to be as vast as it should have been. - The first half of the game is set in the 1978 and the second in 2006 when Tanner gets out of jail. My beefs with this game were that it is too short and although it would have been easier, I didn't really have to do any of the side jobs to get money so I could pass the proper missions. Also the soundtrack, I'm used to a GTA, Need For Speed which have quality music most of the time, I'm not sure if it was for financial reasons or not, but I may like one of two songs on this soundtrack. Lastly, a bit more chasing would have been good as was in the first two games as it doesn't really stay true to the games that started the series. Gameplay 4/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 3/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 3/5
This had network problems upon its release, but once I got into an online race the racing was smooth. In terms of the gameplay it doesn't offer a lot new, but I guess it's a racing game... It plays like a mixture of arcade and simulation racing and the handling makes for some challenging racing. The whole 'club' aspect of the game is fairly inconsequential unless you're going to work together during races and the one or two bonuses you may get out of leveling up. Speaking of, one of the most frustrating aspects of this is the ability of an opponent to nudge the side of your car (particularly if you are in control of a beast) into a tail spin. The graphics are also some of the finest in the PS4's infancy. 3.5-4/5 Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 3/5
This is very similar to Time Gal, and other FMV adventures on SegaCD, however this game doesn't give the player buttons/directions to press, which makes it more difficult.
I'm guessing more people have played the Crash Bandicoot series, so I can compare it to that. It's that kind of platforming game but is a bit easier than any Crash game and from memory doesn't have the time trials and extra gems to collect like Crash. But gameplay wise it's very playable, fun to replay and has a good difficulty level - some challenging levels but overall a game you can complete without a huge amount of frustration. The N64 version is slightly better than the PS1 version.
A great looking off road racer that offers plenty of modes different to the usual racing. However, the racing is possibly a bit easy at times particularly with the Prince of Persiaesque ability to rewind a crash and retry the corner again, but there are modes that should challenge. I haven't played a previous DiRT title, so I'm not sure how much of this is new, but if you enjoy rallying on the PC, this is worth playing.
Reason for report